In Our Element

As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.” – Carl Jung

We rented an AirBnB over the weekend that touted bunk beds in the laundry room. Clearly the charm of this place lay in its location on a beach on Whidbey Island. And that it accepted dogs.

Mr. D has been calmed by water since day one. The babies that don’t like their first bath? Nope, not Mr. D. What did we do for at least an hour on his first day of daycare? Play in water.

I watched him this weekend pouring water with a clam shell for thirty minutes from one hole to another and then back. An incredibly long time for a four-year-old to stay with one focus. If it weren’t for the tide coming in, it looked like he would have done it for hours.

I wonder if we all have an element we are born with that calls to us. For Miss O, it seems to be singing. First mine and my mom’s, and now her own.

If given the option between beaches and mountains, I’d say “mountains.” One step onto a hiking trail and my stress level drops by five notches. Every step gives me further improvement in my mental health, resilience, and sense of humor.

But I’ve spent more time on these rugged beaches of the Pacific NW than mountains since I’ve had kids. And I’ve found the beaches remind me to breathe out all the stale air I hold in. Whether it’s because Mr. D has water and Miss O can sing by the campfire, or because I can walk along the sea and the surf, I’m not sure. Whatever it is, it works magic.

Who cares if the bunk beds are in the laundry room if the location puts us in our element?

(featured photo is mine – Mr. D by the sea)

53 thoughts on “In Our Element

  1. What a great way to spend the weekend and I’m with Mr D on the calming nature of water! It’s interesting to think about whether we each have our own element at birth. I can so see you and Earth (mountains). I’ll have to give some thought to mine although water seems wonderfully calming to be too!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. People just have no real idea why, said as a full-blown Washingtonian, that we live in the most amazing place in the world. Forest and sea within reach all the time, and no need to choose a favorite I think. We can have it all 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  3. I’m with Ab…I love thinking about our preferred elements. Thanks, Wynne, for the treat of learning about Mr. D, Miss O…and you. Inspiration for a Monday morning! 🥰

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Nothing like being in your own element. It’s a joyful place. And Mr.D found his joy there. No wonder he spent time enjoying it. Maybe bunk beds in the laundry room isn’t so bad, it’s close to water, right? 😆
    Lovely thought provoking post Wynne. Happy Monday!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. The ocean is my calming element, too. We used to go to Ocean Shores every summer for a week. Then, we when I was in junior high and high school we had a boat in Anacortes. I think that’s where my love of ocean comes from.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. What a relaxing weekend, and I love your musing on elements. I think you’re right that we all have a place that feels like home and we can fall into flow for hours and hours. Our then, I suppose, is to discover what that element is. I hope you’re recharged and ready to take on the coming week, Wynne!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “Fall into flow” – I can’t tell you how much I love that phrase, Erin. Yes, I suppose we all have to figure out our element! Thanks, my friend!


  7. A lovely piece, Wynne.
    I am with Mr. D on this.
    Water in any natural form, the oceans, rivers, seas, lakes, or ponds soothes me. Just one look at any body of water and I am in awe and appreciation all over again at the ingenuity of our Creator!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Moving water creates negative ions, which are proven both to cleanse the air and to create happy feelings. It’s why human beings have always gravitated to bodies of water for their recreation ~ and why island civilizations tend toward the playful in their general mood.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. What a wonderfully calming post. I can only imagine how relaxing it was to watch Mr. D., enjoying his clam shell water movement. If I were to choose my element, I’d be torn between a library/bookstore, an airport, or watching horses in a meadow. Those scenarios always relax my mind, entice me to see the world differently, and increase my joy and curiosity.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I used to love going to airports fifty years ago, when flying wasn’t so common as it has become since. People dressed up to go, and were usually either looking at the unusual absence of a loved one, or welcoming that loved one back safely. I often thought to myself that this is the way people could ~ and should ~ act every day. Apparently for most that’s really hard. For me it’s nonnegotiable ongoing reality.


  9. I’m trying to think of my own element. It’s probably knitting or reading, although I admit I’ve run out of things to knit (you can only have so many sweaters, shawls, scarves, and hats). But I’ve yet to run out of good books. So we’ll call my element reading.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Glad you were able to get away and soak in the wild. the equivalent of that here for me, living on the fruited plains, is stepping outside in the early morning hours as I go out to do chores..the song of the wrens, maybe an occasional wild turkey gobble in the distance/ coo breeze/ peace and quiet/ no drama. All of those things wash over my soul and make me thankful. Happened again this past Saturday morning. There is something about water/ sand and young children….on Saturday we had a family reunion with my siblings and nieces and nephews and their broods. 3 of the kids were in the sand box/ bringing water from the faucet and having the best of times..reminds me of your little guy in the picture.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Give me the woods and the water, and I’m a happy gal. Someday I will see the sea, but there’s nothing like the early morning on a glassy lake with my kayak slipping silently along. Sounds like you had a refreshing trip, Wynne! 💞


  12. Sounds so nice. I always loved taking our kids to the beach because they were free to be. They could reset their brains and exercise their bodies. They came up with so many ways to entertain themselves in the open space with the simple items at hand. Easy to keep an eye on them, but also let them explore & experiment on their own. With the sand, surf, and sun, they were usually exhausted when it was time to leave, which always made mama happy, so they would go to sleep at bedtime!


  13. I tend to be the other way around- I always need water and the lap of the tide, but mountains have an almighty power too. If I can have both, greedy me- a mountain with a lake- I’m in heaven.

    He’s adorable, isn’t he?


  14. We don’t live near an ocean, yet all 3 grandkids have declared that they wish to live oceanside. I guess we just know!


  15. I too as a child loved water, still do. Maybe it as to do with my birthday sign also being the element of water.
    Blessings be those small discoveries, that gives us the greatest insights into the inner workings of one’s personality.

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