Photos of the Week: April 13

A friend is someone who helps you up when you’re down, and if they can’t, they lay down beside you and listen.” – Winnie the Pooh

We went to our favorite beach for a weekend and really dug it.

Our favorite pony, Charlie Brown, and Miss O both like to be fed.

The beach vacation was really intended to be a lot of fun for Cooper before we took him to the vet to be “tutored.” I’d like to think the cat was sympathetic about the cone…but she’s a cat.

But we’ve tried our best to sweeten the cone situation. Mostly by way of the Winnie the Pooh quote for this post.

My bad Latin joke of the week. My kids misunderstood veni, vidi, vici to be: we came, we sawed, we left the saw in the tree.

And the sign of the week? Right!

47 thoughts on “Photos of the Week: April 13

  1. I’m struck by the “before and after” pics of Cooper—one with a perky, happy smile, and the other with the “wha’ just happened?” cone. Poor baby. I love that Mr. D took on the job of lying down beside him to listen. So sweet. Yes, dogs can count. Our “community condo pup” counts elevator dings and knows when to exit to see which person!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I love that story about your condo pup. So cute!

      Yes, the story of the week has been poor Coop. But he’s bouncing back – in fact, the hardest thing is just keeping him from bounding around like nothing happened.

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  2. Julius Caesar is turning over in his grave. But really, thanks for the Latin. I can’ recall a blog post that included any in years.

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  3. Oh, this week is a “winner, winner, chicken dinner”! I love Pooh’s wisdom, so down to earth and compassionate. All of you seem to embody that!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Wynne, I enjoyed reading your ‘about page’ after seeing you on mutual friends’ blogs. I hope Cooper is doing okay. Our dog is Copper, but he’s inching close to 14 years old. These are lovely photos, and what a funny sign!

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  5. These photos are so precious especially the one with Mr D snuggled up in Cooper’s cone. Hope the recovery is speedy! 🙏 And I love Mr D raising the shovel up in the air. Almost like summoning the forces of Castle Grayskull!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had to look up Castle Grayskull. Yes – Masters of the Universe!

      That pic of D with Coop is one of my all-time favorites! Cooper is fine – trying to convince him to rest is the hardest part.

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  6. That sign certainly gives a good “accounting” of a dog’s math ability. If your kitty (whose name I apologize for forgetting at this moment) somehow was sympathetic to that cone’s arrival, to be sure she would never let on.🐈 Indeed, she’s a cat.🙂

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