Photos of the Week: April 13

A friend is someone who helps you up when you’re down, and if they can’t, they lay down beside you and listen.” – Winnie the Pooh

We went to our favorite beach for a weekend and really dug it.

Our favorite pony, Charlie Brown, and Miss O both like to be fed.

The beach vacation was really intended to be a lot of fun for Cooper before we took him to the vet to be “tutored.” I’d like to think the cat was sympathetic about the cone…but she’s a cat.

But we’ve tried our best to sweeten the cone situation. Mostly by way of the Winnie the Pooh quote for this post.

My bad Latin joke of the week. My kids misunderstood veni, vidi, vici to be: we came, we sawed, we left the saw in the tree.

And the sign of the week? Right!

Photos of the Week: Aug 13

The bad news is that time flies. The good news is that you are the pilot.” – Michael Althsuler

Seafair in Seattle – an incredible show on a beautiful day. (Anyone that wants to see the Blue Angels’ farewell flyover video I captured see my instagram @wynneleon)

Also spotted at Seafair – a kayaker with a dog wearing googles. Nothing more Seattle than that!

Mr. D practicing his breakfast chef skills. Buzz Lightyear and the fire truck are there in case something goes wrong.

I don’t think I’ve ever gone to the Seattle beaches as much as summer of 2022.

This sign reminded me of Julia Preston who is always luminous but was especially so this week.

What lit you up this week?

Photos of the Week: June 25

Oh, sweet summer sunshine!

Life was meant to be lived, and curiosity must be kept alive.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Beach time! Miss O is very good at collecting crabs. Apparently, she wanted to look at a dozen of them up close before letting them go. Thank goodness they didn’t end up all over her face or down her clothes…

A foggy morning view and a sunny morning view of the Space Needle.

Fountains and cotton candy – nothing better!

I was given the gift of a float in a sensory deprivation tank. It was just 10 inches of water, a bag (or so) of Epsom salt, me and my thoughts. At first I thought, “I’m going to do this for an hour?” and then I fell asleep. I was hoping for a conversation with God or major epiphany and while that didn’t happen, it felt like I’d been rebooted like a computer.

How was your week?