Photos of the Week: April 13

A friend is someone who helps you up when you’re down, and if they can’t, they lay down beside you and listen.” – Winnie the Pooh

We went to our favorite beach for a weekend and really dug it.

Our favorite pony, Charlie Brown, and Miss O both like to be fed.

The beach vacation was really intended to be a lot of fun for Cooper before we took him to the vet to be “tutored.” I’d like to think the cat was sympathetic about the cone…but she’s a cat.

But we’ve tried our best to sweeten the cone situation. Mostly by way of the Winnie the Pooh quote for this post.

My bad Latin joke of the week. My kids misunderstood veni, vidi, vici to be: we came, we sawed, we left the saw in the tree.

And the sign of the week? Right!

Photos of the Week: December 16

If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it.” – Toni Morrison

Cooper’s first vacation. I think he enjoyed it – and the rest of us did too even in windy and stormy conditions!

Cooper – wondering what to pack. And the cat showing that she might have even missed him just a little bit.

How is it that Mr. D can look pensive about chocolate chip cookies but enthused about worms? I’d question his taste…but maybe it’s just some sort of wormhole effect. (To the extent I know about wormholes, it’s just enough to know that there’s no relation to real science or astronomy in that statement.) 😉

The latest grocery store soda display and the sign of the week. Seems like with inflation, the charge should be higher.

Photos of the Week: July 29

Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

All these pictures are from our week vacation on Whidbey Island – starting with Whidbey wildlife. I’m unclear why deer go down to the salt water. Are they licking the rocks?

Beach hi-jinks. Mr D was super interested in fishing which is not my forte so he wrangled three turns reeling in a rod from someone he befriended. Then he said (after 3 tries), “Why do you keep missing the fish?” Before I could tell him it’s called “fishing” and not “catching” for a reason, he turned and found a dead flounder floating in the surf and proudly proclaimed he caught one. The pic is his imitation of how the fish looks.

Some of our visitors: Deirdre (my meditation teacher and guest on podcasts), my mom (note: Mr D is wearing my shoes and they don’t even look that big), and Mr. D’s birthday train.

Two of my favorite pictures of the week. Mr. D carefully following in Miss O’s path. And the beach cartwheel (one of the at least 1,753 Miss O has done this week).

The heart and the sign of the week. Miss O and Mr D got to see their first Shakespeare play – Romeo and Juliet as performed by the Island Shakespeare Festival. It’s possible I could have prepared Miss O better for the play because near the end she looked up and said, “Romeo isn’t going to die too, is he?” But even though we started with a Shakespeare tragedy – she loved it!

Photos of the Week: June 3

It is very important that we relearn the art of resting and relaxing. Not only does it help prevent the onset of many illnesses through chronic tension and worry; it allows us to clear our minds, focus, and find creative solutions to problems.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

In accordance with this quote, all these pictures are from our long weekend on Whidbey Island.

Whidbey wildlife. And yes, that’s an eagle standing on the beach.

I’m showing great restraint to only post three pictures of my evening beach walks because it was such a highlight of the weekend away for me.

Swimming season has started. Mr D is applying the lessons in kicking to other pursuits but I don’t see the “kick gambit” becoming a trend in chess.

Driftwood David (caption courtesy of my friend, Eric). It’s hard to resist the gazillion bawdy puns that come to mind but I’m doing my best.

As the 4th largest island in the contiguous US, there are a fair number of farms and ranches near where we stay on the beach. We are always happy to horse around when not at the beach or pool.

Forts (not built by us) and windows

Signs of the week.

And the heart of the week is charcoal on driftwood to fit with the beach theme.

Photos of the Week: Feb 25

The whole world is a series of miracles, but we’re so used to them we call them ordinary things.” – Hans Christian Anderson

President’s Day Weekend on Whidbey Island – Celebrating that we were the last car in the left lane to get on the ferry. Which was good, because we can’t fly like the other dock denizens.

Beach walks

Horsing around

Meeting some of the critters of the Island, including Willis, the coolest dog to ride on the back of a hay cart and loved leaning on Miss O.

Willis inspired Miss O to believe she could train the cat when we got back home. It might have appeared she was getting all trained up during the ten minutes she was happy to have us home after being gone for 3 days. But then her motivation waned after and she went back to being the untrained cat.

We found a painted rock as the heart of the week.

Photos of the Week: Aug 20

The eyes experience less stress when they can look upon a wider horizon.” – R.D. Chin

I think all vacations that start with a ferry ride are off to a good start. And this one ended with Miss O drawing out our activities which provided a nice summary before our ferry ride back.

A week of a wide horizon of sun, sea and surf.

On a walk that my friend and Mr. D took, they saw a bunny run under a hedge. My friend started to say, “I bet if we are quiet, then we can…” Then Mr. D., already understanding the point, interjected, “Sshhh!”

Regardless of all there was to look at, it seemed the most popular place to be for the 7-years and under set was in the pool.

The windows of Langley, a picturesque little town on Whidbey Island near where we were staying, were stenciled with little quotes. Although one of them seemed to have the idea backwards, at least to my way of thinking.

Any quotable lines and good stories from your week?