Don’t Call Me Nice…Please

Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” – Mark Twain

This was previously published on 10/2/2022. Heads up – you may have already read this.

The other day I made a comment off-handedly and the recipient said, “Oh, that’s so nice.” I didn’t like that compliment. Yes, I realize it’s not nice of me to judge a comment about being nice. Upon reflection, it’s because I don’t like the sound of me when I’m doing nice. And believe me, as a former sorority girl, I can do nice!

Here’s how I see the difference:

Nice: Off-handed bromides about someone’s appearance

Kind: Genuinely complimenting something you like about someone else

Nice: Sunniness

Kind: Warmth from within

Nice: Saying what someone else wants to hear

Kind: Listening to what needs to be said

Nice: Wishing someone a nice day

Kind: Mustering an internal energy to blow love, safety and warmth in the path of another

Nice: Holding the door open

Kind: Walking with others across thresholds that are challenging for them

Nice: Wearing a mask

Kind: Dropping your pretend mask so that you can been seen

Nice: Offering platitudes so that get you something

Kind: Exhibiting an expansiveness that allows you to give something

Nice: Walking away from a conversation in order to avoid conflict

Kind: Authentically showing up to a relationship so that it can grow

Nice: Something that brings a smile to your face

Kind: An experience that gives you goosebumps all over

Look, I’d take nice over a punch in the face – but what I really am blown away with is kindness. For me kind starts on the inside and bubbles forth in an unstoppable force of love.

As a reformed nice person, I have to work at switching to kindness but when I get it right, it’s the sort of effort that boomerangs right back at me. When I get it wrong and someone calls me nice, I’m learning to hear it as a reminder that I’m probably swimming in the shallow end of my sincerity and expansiveness and need to go deeper.

(featured photo from Pexels)