Photos of the Week: June 8

“Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. ” – Jules Renard

We spent a weekend on Whidbey Island for a friend’s birthday party and we were in our element.

The beach we stayed at had hundreds of mussels. Want to guess what Cooper did after licking his lips? Yep, the only one surprised when he threw up later was Cooper.

Non-beach things we did on Whidbey Island included a really cool outdoor sculpture park.

Celebrating our new bikes.

And where did we go with our new bike skills? To get pies of different shapes and sizes!

Buddies and signs.

44 thoughts on “Photos of the Week: June 8

  1. A fabulous week of memories created Wynne. Happy kids and dog, there’s nothing better. Even with the throwing up 🤣. I love the Wander and Wonder sign and the sign of the week. All full of meaning. Enjoy your weekend bike riding. I’m sure there will be plenty.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Joy and happiness captured in pictures to archive in life’s memories and relive for decades. Thanks for the smiles 😊Wynne.

    Keep Looking Up ^ His Best is Yet to Come!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Oh my goodness….they grow and grow and grow, don’t they? Love all the pics this week but I must say I’m a little partial to Miss O living her rock star life. Rock on, girl! 😎

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I think that sign has a lot to say, Wynne. Suffering hopefully makes us stronger, and it also can help us to better appreciate the joyous parts of life. Sorry to hear Cooper had a bad experience at the raw seafood bar…it has been known to happen…🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The raw seafood bar — ha, ha, well said, Bruce! Yes, there is definitely a lot of learning from suffering. Maybe not for Cooper but for the rest of us, hopefully!

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    1. Isn’t that sculpture impressive? They had one called “Pegasus” that was made of the thinnest wires and hung in the trees. It was almost impossible to see because it blended in so well. Such a fun adventure!

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  5. Looks so relaxing @ the shore. Is Cooper that puppy you got this past year? And are you guys really paying $5.29 for regular unleaded???? (it’s $3.20 here)

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    1. I think that gas station has the best signs and the worst prices. I don’t buy gas there but usually pay in the $4.50 range. Love that you are getting gas for $3.20!

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  6. Well that gas station sign was quite deep, I’d say!

    The photos from your weekend trip are precious. Love the beach concert with Ms O on vocal and guitar! And sorry to hear about Cooper and the vomit. Maybe he should read the gas station sign. 😆 Hope he’s doing better now!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. My mind wandered looking at the photos, how you must have soaked up the many moments with a smile on your face. Thank you for sharing as it brought me a smile also. – David

    Liked by 1 person

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