Sunday Funnies: November 5

A re-run of my dad’s humor cards. They make me chuckle all over again – so I hope you enjoy them whether it’s the first time or second (first posted on 9/25/2022).

The backstory: My dad was a Presbyterian pastor for 40 years. He kept a well curated stack of humor cards – little stories he heard, found or saw and then typed onto 5×7 cards. Then he wrote in the margins when he used that particular item. His humor was often an easy way to settle in to something deeper – by laughing and thinking about the buried truth in these little nuggets, it paved the way to an open heart.

Hard Choices

A 92-year-old man who lived a pretty wild life was given a birthday present by his wild son (himself in his 70s): a call girl for the night. When he went to answer the door bell, he found this very beautiful woman standing there, dressed in a way that revealed her profession.

She greeted him with the words: “Hi, I’m Susie, and I’ve come to give you a birthday present: super sex!”

The man stood there for a bit, trying to take it all in, and then finally blurted out:

“I’ll take the soup!”

34 thoughts on “Sunday Funnies: November 5

      1. Maybe he went on to announce the church potluck dinner? That would have gotten the attention of a few snoozing parishioners!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Tu es une femme battante mais ta vie es remplie de déception, et malgré ton âge avancé plus rien ne marche pour toi,ta situation amoureuse es vraiment compliqué, si tu veux connaître l’origine de tes blocages financières et amoureux et savoir comment résoudre cela,met juste intéressé et viens en privé.


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