Sunday Funnies: Nov 13

Another installment from my dad’s humor cards.

The backstory: My dad was a Presbyterian pastor for 40 years. He kept a well curated stack of humor cards – little stories or observations that he typed onto 5×7 cards. Then he wrote in the margins when he used that particular item. His humor was often an easy way to settle in to something deeper – by laughing and thinking about the buried truth in these little nuggets, it paved the way to an open heart.

When we cleaned out his desk after he died 7 years ago, I was lucky enough to stumble on this stack. I pull it out regularly to have a little laugh with my dear Dad. Now when I post one of them, I write my note next to his and it feels like a continuation.

Short Shots

Same Starting Date... It may be true that life begins at 40, but so does rheumatism. (submitted by Byron Erixon)

Advice From an Old Carpenter….Measure twice and saw once.

Friendship…Keep a fair-sized cemetery in your back yard, in which to bury the faults of your friends. (Henry Ward Beecher)

Why Mothers Cry…Many girls marry men just like their fathers, which may explain why many mothers cry at weddings. (From “Prokope” Warren Wiersbe, Ed.)

Youth Vs. Maturity...We are only young once, be we can be immaturely indefinitely. (Bits and Pieces)

Love and Truth…The man who will not admit he’s wrong loves himself more than he loves the truth. (Bits and Pieces)

They’re Not Permanent...Success is not permanent, but neither is failure. (Bits and Pieces)

28 thoughts on “Sunday Funnies: Nov 13

  1. More good ones. The piece labeled Love and Truth has much truth in it, and nobody comes to mind more readily than someone known to one and all who’s, I’m happy to say, been having a very bad week!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Aha! You seem to be carrying on your dad’s love of short quotations. May one or both the kids discover it in themselves, Wynne.

    Liked by 2 people

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