Editing the Page

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Looking at the stats for my blog, I can see that the most visited page is the About page. Which makes sense because I don’t have a lot of other pages. However, it makes me want to go back and re-do that page of information about me because I think I’ve changed since I’ve written it. I also often leave out the background info so as not to repeat myself so I think some links are in order. I took at stab at a rewrite and published it as my Wise & Shine post this week: About Me.

25 thoughts on “Editing the Page

      1. Maybe. And I’m sure it’s not particularly meaningful as opposed to somewhat interesting. But in my 11-year totals, I have in excess of 20K hits on my Home page, several posts with multiple 1000s of hits, and just 1700 hits on my About page. It’s similar proportions regardless of time period. Maybe readers just figure they know me from my posts. Or once they’ve read a post they really don’t want to know anything about me! 😏


  1. The about page is a difficult one, Wynne. Like Mark, I like what you have done and a creative way to tackle probably the hardest page for a writer. I suppose this depends on where you sit on the introvert / extrovert scale. Plenty of food for thought in your new approach, Wynne. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Wynne, I would like you to take a look at mine tomorrow please. I am updating it today and thanks for the suggestion!

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  3. 🙂 The “About” page is one of the most important pages on one’s blog; which is why it should not be neglected and updated as one’s interest changes.

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  4. Love it Wynne. It gives such great insight into who you are as a person and the types of things that you write about regularly. Love the links. (From a maintenance standpoint, you’ll just need to check them occasionally if you make a lot of changes on your site.) It makes me cringe thinking of my own “About Me” section. I definitely need to update mine. Uh-oh, another thing to add to my list. Ugh. Great job!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wynne, you are such a wonderful writer and I love how you always show rather than tell. Golden retrievers are my favourite dogs and if we didn’t haven’t cats already, I’d get one for our family. So that’s another reason why I gravitate to your personality. 🙂

    Your ex husband sounds like an even bigger dick now thanks to your updated About Me. 😂

    I like the rewrite a lot. It really grounds your post to a context. Kudos! My one suggestion is to add some photos to break up the text from a scan-ability perspective. But kudos and well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I’m laughing about the comment about my ex-husband. Oh, he’s always a great reminder about how lovely it is that some things end.

      I’m not surprised that you like golden retrievers – I’ve long known you were my soul brother! 🙂

      Photos are a great idea! I need to do that. Thanks for reading and the suggestion.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I love your updated about me! And that you also shared your backstory. You’ve inspired me to set time aside one of these days to rewrite mine.

    I also enjoyed your golden retriever analogy. I will probably leave that out of mine but if I had to pick I’d be a German Shepherd
    – affectionate with those close, needs mental stimulation, and often anxious.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, the dog analogy paints a picture but is a little risky to lead with… But I love your choice of a German Shepherd. Very loyal as well, right? Thanks for reading and the feedback!


  7. Great About Me section Wynne, you’ve inspired me to reevaluate mine with fresh eyes. When I do and make necessary changes, I will post a link. You’re right about changing it as our interests and we evolve. Great group you write with by the way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Alegria – I’m really grateful for the writers at Wise & Shine as I agree, it’s a great group of people.

      And I’m looking forward to your updated About Me! It’s a project – and usually not very much fun so hopefully this makes it a little more enjoyable!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I feel like I have been reading your blog for a while now, but this “About Me” page filled in a lot of  answers, and gave me a fuller story of your journey. I have been contemplating rewriting my “About-Me”  page, perhaps this is the inspiration I needed, but I am going try it in 500 words or less, and with plenty of links. In  the meantime I am including the link to the current one I welcome any and all feedback.

    About & Contact

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for taking the time to not only provide me with positive feedback but taking the time to read several of my posts. I appreciate it greatly. Yes, I am facing that bigger question of how to preserve some anonymity to make sure my clients feel safe. You are correct I do share a lot of posts, not directly tied to my personal story. I have learned as a clinician that many individuals often feel they are alone in a situation, and many of the vignettes I post show that they are not alone. We all deal with universal issues of employment, grief, relationships, exercise, figuring out dinner, connecting etc. You have provided me with a LOT of thought and inspiration in updating my “About Me” page. I deeply thank you.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That is a great list of the things we all deal with – and I love that you through figuring out dinner in there because it can just as much as an issue as all the rest. Best wishes to you as update!!


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