Taking Off the Hats

Don’t go through life, grow through life.” – Eric Butterworth

In my daughter’s first grade class they fill in a mood meter for each day that tells how they feel and why. For example, last Tuesday she marked sleepy and proud and said she was proud because she made it in without being scared. Which is huge for my 6-year-old.

School has been in session for a month now. A month of adjustment to early mornings, pickups and drop-offs, new faces and routines for my kids, a quiet house during the day for me. It’s a lot and it’s taken the entire month to adapt.

The thing I’ve noticed most for me is the slow unwinding of some of the pandemic trauma that came from the necessity of being involved in everything in my kids’ lives. It’s like relaxing a spine that I had to hold stiff or I’d crumble. I was wearing so many hats – teaching assistant, school janitor, lunch lady, principal entertainer, class clown, mom, chief encouragement officer – that I’ve gotten to take off some of them and ease the strain. There is an intentionality to this restarting of activity that feels rich and treasured in a way that I took for granted before.

What I’ve uncovered is that I’m a way better parent when I don’t have to do it all. Which sounds so obvious but in crisis mode, I couldn’t gage the impact. Now when my 2-year-old son comes home and doesn’t want to have his diaper changed, I have the energy to fly him around the room pretending he’s an airplane on the way to the changing table. I’m listening better and I’m more playful when not having to run my engine all out to get everything done.

The uncertainty is still with us but I feel like I have a fuller tank to deal with it.

And the most delicious thing is that I miss my kids. I gather them up on Friday afternoon and can’t wait to spend a whole weekend playing together. I’m so incredibly impressed by how they’ve handled this transition. It hasn’t been without tears but we’ve faced these big moments talking to and understanding each other.

My mood meter is proud and grateful!

4 thoughts on “Taking Off the Hats

  1. Yay!!! That’s so sweet. Transitions for little kids can be so hard. I’m glad they’re adjusting. And the image of you flying your son to the changing table is so sweet. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoy being a mom and loving on your kids. That’s the best!

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  2. 👍👍👍 Congrats and hooray for being able to take off those hats. Crisis mode is indeed a great way to describe the past year. I can’t even imagine how you did it with two kids and by yourself. That is one mighty superhero cape you wore.

    And I totally understand what you mean by missing your kids now and having the energy and enthusiasm to play with them. Absence makes the heart grow fonder indeed!

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    1. Oh, what a kind and generous comment, Ab. Thank you. I know you all must have had much of the same frustrations and worries and I think we ALL get a medal for parenting through this! ❤️❤️❤️

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