Photos of the Week: February 10

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike.” – John Muir

We went on a road trip to Leavenworth, WA. I felt the truth of the John Muir quote above as soon as we crossed into the mountains. “…places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike.” – John Muir

Speaking of play, rollercoasters aren’t my thing so thankfully my dear friend was up for the rides!

And everyone was in for the snow and slides!

Maybe Cooper missed us…but kept busy finding some enticing distractions.

Snow tracks and signs.

51 thoughts on “Photos of the Week: February 10

  1. Great sign, Wynne. Glad you all had a good time. Concerning roller coasters, when my dad and I went on them during my childhood, I was always puzzled that he didn’t have as good a time as I did. In particular, he said he didn’t like getting “banged around.” I didn’t understand that at all. Later, when I had my own children, I remembered what he told me every time we went on the high rides. Time and change had explained exactly what he meant.

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  2. I am surprised to learn that our famous Mountain Climbing Mama eschews roller coasters. Stack one up against the other, and I’ll go for the sit-and-ride plan over the climb-climb-climb-climb plan any day of the week! Meanwhile, while I’m sitting, I’ll enjoy the “Thanks for nothing” sign. Priceless. No zero’s needed!

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  3. The mountains are so dramatic. What a fun place for you to visit with your kids so they could enjoy the snow. I love the photo of Cooper with the pink flamingo. The sign reminded me of my son who was a theoretical math major for three years. He switched majors to Literature and said “I got tired of spending one year proving the existence of zero.” However, Buff was a Lit major, so I think that’s what it was all about.

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  4. Just in time! We’re supposed to get a big snow this week. I’m looking for some helpers! If Mr D and Miss O come … I’ll pay for the airplane tix. Deal? Ha ha ha! Of course, knowing how bad the weather predictions have been this year, we’ll just get rain. 🤣🤣🤣🤣❄️

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