Photos of the Week: July 22

In life, it’s not where you go, it’s who you travel with.” – Charles Schulz

One of the many things I love about living in Seattle is that Mt Rainier looms up from so many different angles just driving down the freeway. (photo credit to Miss O)

This bull frog was the wildlife we saw when we went on a lovely hike with Deb (Closer to the Edge blog and my wonderful colleague on the Heart of the Matter blog). It was too hot for the wildlife — and maybe for us. But still so fun to hang out with the amazing and fun Deb again!

The slide started out so well…

I took the kids to their first ballgame. I’m not sure what Mr. D was doing – catching flies? Ba-dum-dum. I’ll be here all week folks.. 🙂

Guess who learned to blow bubbles? It is amazing how entertaining that is…

Mr. D says cleaning the grill is equally as entertaining.

Sign of the week

And a beautiful cactus heart of the week. Contributed by the delightful Cristiana (of the Crisbiecoach blog and my colleague on the Wise & Shine blog).

49 thoughts on “Photos of the Week: July 22

  1. The face plant going down the slide is hilarious. I love how varied your week of activities are. And the message of that sign is so true. Enjoy your weekend together, Wynne and family!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Now I’m laughing about the slide again. I didn’t even know I was capturing at the time… 🙂

      Have a great weekend, Ab! Hope you all get some great bike rides or other fun in!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Looks like you’re feeding that raccoon really well Wynne 😉 Fun with the Mariners! Glad you all had a good time. Did you have a mitt with you just in case?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We had 3 mitts with us, Deb! But didn’t catch any stray balls. There’s a plum tree in my back yard which must be the draw for the raccoon even though they aren’t quite ripe yet. I love our bull frog picture too!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. I’m with you on that chonky racoon! He looks like he’s been a longtime resident.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I think the raccoons live between a storage unit and the fence in my neighbors yard. But I’m unclear – they are around a lot. I’ve seen 2 together this year and last year one had a hurt paw. I don’t know if that means there are 1, 2, or 3 but you’re right – they’ve been around for a while.

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      2. They’re lovely! We have some near the apartments and they come out to forage. If I have fruits or veggies that are about to turn bad o throw them into the bushes for the wildlife to find. If they don’t want them then there will be a mystery how the apple or tangerine trees grew there!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. “In life, it’s not where you go, it’s who you travel with.” – Charles Schulz

    If each of us truly chose the right traveling companions in life Wynne, divorce attorneys would be an extinct species 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well said, Fred! As my dad used to say, we have to get our vertical relationship right and then it helps with all our horizontal friendships as well!


    1. Yes, fortunately there was not much concern about anyone getting hurt. But I didn’t realize what I’d caught on camera until I loaded up this week pics. So glad you are laughing with me cause I thought it was pretty funny!! Happy Saturday, Julia!


    1. They did think the game was cool but we spent 5 of the innings waiting in line for and then playing in the play area. So I’m not sure how much of the “game” they thought was cool as opposed to the experience. I suppose that’s probably true for all of us, right?

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