Photos of the Week: May 7

Does it make it okay for your child to write on the railings if they write “I love you Mom!” when they do it?

Planes, ships and automobiles! I would have thought my kids would have had enough of transportation after flying home from vacation. But then I discovered they’d charmed their way into the front seat of an ice cream truck.

We spent a lot of the week making Teacher Appreciation Week cards and finding gifts for our wonderful teachers. It’s going to take a lot more than a week to express our gratitude to these amazing teachers but we had a lot of fun trying!

19 thoughts on “Photos of the Week: May 7

  1. I think it is completely ok that they express their love on the walls for you ❤️ At least it was not a tattoo….yet! Lol nice post I have actually been thinking about buying an ice cream truck! What a cool job! 🌈💜

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    1. Ha, ha, ha! Well, if it’s a tattoo and it says, “I love you Mom” I suppose that works too. 🙂 Buying an ice cream truck – what a cool job indeed! Thanks for a delightful comment!

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    1. They’d already done that – I was in line buying it for them when I discovered they were actually on the truck!! 🙂 Happy Saturday, Dr. Stein!


  2. Absolutely YES, it’s OK! Best Mother’s Day gift ever. And it’s OK to leave that sweet message right where it is as a joyful reminder of how loved you make your children feel. Nothing is more important. ❤️

    There is no such thing as too much transportation in the life of a child. I wish I could climb into an ice cream truck!

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    1. I’m so glad you said that about leaving the message because I was thinking I was going to have a hard time cleaning that off! And I’m laughing about there is no such thing as too much transportation – you are so right, Natalie!! Happy Mother’s Day to you!


  3. Oh how fun! Did they get to operate the ice cream machine too?! 😆

    It’s lovely they are taking the time to express their appreciation for their teachers. What a wonderful thing to do.

    Railings can be washed but the message behind it lasts. 💕

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    1. Ab, you sure know how to say just the right thing, “Railings can be washed but the message behind it lasts. 💕” So true!

      The teachers we have are so precious and appreciated. As you know so well, they make such a difference in our lives. I hope we never forget that!

      Happy Sunday to you all!

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    1. Julia – you feel like a member of our virtual family! I think it would be such a kick to meet you one of these days! I’m putting that out to the Universe as an intention!

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