Photos of the Week: April 9

God bless the dentist for installing a kid’s sized door.

We went on a short train ride last week from Snoqualmie to North Bend. This is Mr. D looking out at the Snoqualmie River Valley.
Look, Mom, one hand, one foot!
Our first 70+ degree day! It only lasted 1 day but it was fun!

When we went on our short train ride last weekend, I gave Miss O a cheap digital camera to take pictures. I looked at them for the first time last night and kinda fell in love with the different perspective. It also made me realize how much kids see of other people’s noses. 🙂 Here’s a gallery of her pictures:

16 thoughts on “Photos of the Week: April 9

  1. I love the photos that Miss O took. It really does help you to see the world from their eyes! And that dentist door is just too adorable. What a lovely outing you all had!

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  2. Great photos, great fun! I’ve written several ‘dentist’ blogs and trust me—had there been a kid’s door when I needed one, I’d have high-tailed it back out as fast as somebody shoved me in! I’m so old that I was raised in the day of some serious dental torture. When I’m born into my next life, I’m going to your kid’s dentist.

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    1. I’m laughing, Julia. Well, I think it’s a pretty good rule that any dentist that installs a kid’s door, is pretty aware of how to be gentle and fun. May we all be blessed with dentists like that! 🙂

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  3. Your photos really made me smile, Wynne! And, to echo what others have said, your dentist rocks. What a fabulous idea. Giving them a door their own size empowers them in a way, and also serves as a great distraction from the anxiety they are probably feelings. Have a GREAT weekend! 🙂

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  4. Thank you for sharing!!.. “To me there is no picture so beautiful as smiling, bright-eyed, happy children; no music so sweet as their clear and ringing laughter.” (P. T. Barnum)… 🙂

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